Future Pathways

How to envision futures in which we all can fit?

We often wonder whether it is possible to envision shared sustainable futures when there is so much at stake and so many different purposes, hopes frustrations and fears, being and living in the Páramo.

Community Personas

The aim of this research component within POR EL Páramo was to envision possible future pathways. To that end, we carried out two workshops in the Páramos of Guantiva – La Rusia and Tota-Bijagual-Mamapacha in which we utilised different forms of community arts and design such as rebus, collective reading, body movement, storytelling, dance, drawing and collective collage. These tools allowed us to go from a reflection of our individual identities (inward), to a discussion on how they relate to each other (outward), and what brings them close, takes them away from each other and unites them. The Community Personas in this page were collated by the research team based on the previous components of the research. They were then appropriated and improved by the community.

Future Visions

With the final community personas it was possible to make our different identities converge in order to present diverse, shared and sustainable future pathways (onward). We would take part in these futures and work together to create the Páramo that we dream of. The interactive Future Visions found here reflect that future envisioning experience, but are also a tool to foster the construction of that future.

Booklet: Personas and Futures

Interactive Future Visions